Sharing ourselves with one another through tale telling is one of our most human urges. I want to learn to listen to the world easily enough to hear its stories. To observe and imagine the way fungi and trees and ferns and birds and all of it communicate with one another even when they don’t have a common verbal language. I like to imagine that when ancient people crawled into caves to paint aurochs, horses, lions, and hand prints by flickering firelight that they did it with the desire to tell one another stories. I imagine that urge as I pick up my brush and tell my own.
We are storytellers
Forest Conversations
The forest is what I am setting out to explore. I want to learn. I want to understand how I am being carried by the boughs of trees around me through openings in the growth to some other self: a wilder self. I am seeking not only a rewilding of my own mind, but to see the wild in everything and everyone around me. To recognize kindred story tellers—better storytellers—who have gone before me through these woods and to listen to their voices. I want to understand how the world around me speaks and to be a better listener. To better be a part of this world and the wild place it is.
Ongoing series.
A digital sketch of Persephone in her garden by Sarah-Lambert Cook. The drawing begins as pencil sketch of a woman—Persephone—with her back to the viewer. Slowly, plants and colors are added with her.
Ancient Conversations
Before we wrote, we created images. Art is what is seen as evidence of a conscious mind. The ancient past has pulled at me since I was small. Our human lives are assemblages of moments. I follow a thread of memory of wandering museums, ladders climbed in Mesa Verde, bedtime stories about ancient people and places, digging holes looking for “finds” in the backyard until I find myself an adult completing a BA in Anthropology. This thread is thick and filled with many memories. It is the one I follow most often through the dark cave of my imagination…
stickers, original art, prints and more